HomeBook: Environmental GeochemistryBook: Spectral AnalysisBook: EFABook: WaveletsMDAG PapersMDAG IKD DatabaseMDAG Grain 3.0Minewall 3

Minesite Drainage Chemistry: An Introduction
ISBN 978-0-9952149-0-3
(scroll down for details)

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This ebook from MDAG Publishing is an introduction to mining and minesite-drainage chemistry. If you know what "pH" and "mg/L" are, and want basic explanations of mining and minesite drainage, then this book is for you.

This printable ebook is in PDF format. At a nominal size of about 17 cm (6.7 in) by 25 cm (9.8 in), it is readable on many ebook readers, laptops, and desktop computers. There are no security features, passwords, or digital-rights management in the file.

Within the 50 pages of text and graphics, plus 45 colour photographs, many aspects of minesite-drainage chemistry are introduced. These include assessment, prediction, environmental liability, mitigation, and costs. Colour photographs from minesites around the world illustrate and highlight some topics in the book.

There are twelve short chapters:

  • 1. What is Mining?
  • 2. Minesites and Minesite Components
  • 3. What is Minesite Drainage?
  • 4. Minesite-Drainage Chemistry - The Inorganic Issue
  • 5. Drainage Chemistry Starts with the Little Mineral Grains
  • 6. Drainage Concentrations Increase as the Number of Mineral Grains and Other Factors Increase - But Only So Far
  • 7. Equilibrium and Repeating Patterns in Large-Scale Minesite-Drainage Chemistry
  • 8. The Scourge of Acidic Drainage: Why the Bias?
  • 9. Centuries of Liability and Big Long-Term Costs
  • 10. Reasonable Predictions to Minimize Long-Term Costs
  • 11. Conclusion (a top-10 list)
  • 12. Sources of Additional Information on Minesite-Drainage Chemistry
  • After reading this book, you will better understand important terminology and concepts. To help you remember, the Conclusion (Chapter 11) lists the 10 most important introductory observations on minesite-drainage chemistry. To build on this book, the last chapter (Chapter 12) recommends where to go next for more details, information, and case studies.

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    HomeBook: Environmental GeochemistryBook: Spectral AnalysisBook: EFABook: WaveletsMDAG PapersMDAG IKD DatabaseMDAG Grain 3.0Minewall 3

    Created by K.Morin